Journal of Advances in International Veterinary Research
<p>ISSN: 2810-9600(Online)</p> <p>Email:</p> <p><a href="" target="_black"><button class="cmp_button">Online Submissions</button></a></p>
Journal of Advances in International Veterinary Research
An Insight into Different Strategies for Control and Prophylaxis of Fasciolosis: A Review
<p>Fasciolosis is one of the important diseases of livestock and has zoonotic importance. Fasciolosis can cause huge economic losses due to decrease in milk and meat production, decreased feed conversion ratio, and cost of treatment. Treatment and prophylaxis strategies for <em>Fasciola</em> infection are formed based on epidemiological data. The control of <em>Fasciola</em> infection can be attained by treating the animals with active anthelmintics. The use of different combinations of anthelmintics with a possible rotation is more effective against immature as well as adult flukes. Control of the intermediate host (snail) is vital for the reduction of fasciolosis. Due to the rapid growth of snails, the eradication is quite difficult in waterlogged and marshy areas. The use of different grazing methods and treatment of grazing areas can also help to control fasciolosis. A variety of antigens generated by <em>Fasciola</em> spp. have been shown to protect against liver fluke infection. The crude antigens, excretory/secretory, and refined antigens and their combination can be used as prophylactic treatment for the control of fasciolosis. The use of any of the single or combination of these methods can be very effective for the control of fasciolosis.</p>
Hafiz Muhammad Rizwan
Muhammad Sohail Sajid
Haider Abbas
Sadia Ghazanfer
Mamoona Arshad
Copyright © 2022 Hafiz Muhammad Rizwan, Muhammad Sohail Sajid, Haider Abbas, Sadia Ghazanfer, Mamoona Arshad
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Delivery of Bull Dog Calf from a Hydroallantoic Murrah Buffalo
<p>An 8 years old Murrah buffalo in its 5th party was presented with the history of 9 month of gestation and sudden bilateral abdominal distension since last 25 days. Animal was 7 anorectic with pale mucus membrane and had staggering gait. <em>Per vaginum</em> examination revealed closed cervix with intact cervical seal. By transrectal palpation only the fluid in the uterus could be palpable. Based on history and clinical examination findings, it was diagnosed as hydroallantois. Parturition was induced using cloprostenol and dexamethasone. Beside this an intracervical injection of closprostenol was also given on 6 o’clock and 12 o’clock position (250 µg each) of external os to hasten the cervical dilation. A dead bulldog calf was removed with manual traction after 26 hours of initial treatment. It was concluded that the cloprostenol and dexamethasone are effective for the induction of parturition in animals suffering from hydroallantois provided fluid from the allantoic sac is removed slowly. </p>
Ankit Kumar Ahuja
Vasu Sharma
Amit Sharma
Rohit Mankotia
Tyson Negi
Pankaj Sood
Copyright © 2022 Ankit Kumar Ahuja, Vasu Sharma, Amit Sharma, Rohit Mankotia, Tyson Negi,Pankaj Sood
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