Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences <p>ISSN: 2661-3190 (Online)</p> <p>Email:</p> <p>Follow the journal: <a style="display: inline-block;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img style="width: 20px; position: relative; top: 5px; left: 5px;" src=" _logo.jpg" alt="" /></a></p> <p><a href="" target="_black"><button class="cmp_button">Online Submissions</button></a></p> BILINGUAL PUBLISHING GROUP en-US Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences 2661-3190 Laboratory and Mathematical Modeling of Green Roof and Different Color Roofs <p>Several studies were compiled using data from physical models of green and black surfaces in the lab and the Cooper Union (CU) roof as well as green roof studies of the Javits Green Roof (JGR) measured over a six-year period. Observations were made with weather stations, custom designed draining systems and three partial flumes each equipped with a pressure transducer and weighing lysimeters. An infrared camera was used at the CU and JGR to collect thermal images to determine the effectiveness these roofs had for thermal buffering. A multiple regression curve was calculated relating the lysimeter mass and five independent variables, with the precipitation runoff and retention time being the most important variables. The surface of the black roof was compared to white and green roofs at CU. The temperature was significantly higher (over 70 °C) on the black roof clearly showing the advantage of using a green roof. The ET was calculated on the JGR using the Penman-Monteith (P/M) equations. The runoff hydrograph for the JGR was constant with an increase in precipitation and storage when the hydrograph dropped in response to the precipitation and storage. When the plots (185 square meters at JGR) were irrigated, the dry plots always had higher temperatures (above 15 °C during summer daytime). The ET is the controlling factor for temperature reduction on a vegetated green roof as shown in the JGR data. The relative humidity (RH) was measured in the CU lab and on the JGR and showed similar results. The RH dropped during higher temperatures and recovered at lower temperatures. The results of these studies at CU and JGR clearly show the benefits of using a vegetated green roof.</p> Joseph Cataldo Yara Yasser Elborolosy Copyright © 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-06 2024-06-06 6 2 42 51 10.30564/jees.v6i2.5960 Application of Orthophoto Maps Created from UAV Aerial Images for Monitoring Historical and Cultural Heritage Lands <p>The study investigates the methodology of creating orthophotoplans for immovable historical and cultural heritage sites, beginning from aerial surveys using various UAVs to object vectorization and plan creation. This issue is highly relevant in Ukraine due to rapid reforms in all ministries, including the Ministry of Culture. The reforms are creating a constant need for updated graphical documentation. As immovable historical and cultural heritage sites are in tourist areas with changing infrastructure, traditional surveying methods are impractical due to time constraints. Additionally, the application of UAV aerial imaging for delineating object boundaries and protective zones is more cost-effective. Existing boundaries of heritage lands and those determined from archival materials were overlaid on the created pflans. Orthophotoplans were produced and vectorized at a scale of 1:500 for two research zones: the Holy Trinity Church in Liuboml and the New Jewish Cemetery in Lviv. For the New Jewish Cemetery, boundaries were delineated to assess alignment with the current protective zone. Protective buffer zones around heritage sites were outlined according to both historical and contemporary recommendations in Ukraine. For buffer zones measured from the centroid, development is permitted up to 300 meters for undeveloped areas, with negotiated distances for developed regions, using the 300-meter protective zone as a baseline. The study's uniqueness lies in using a known methodology for creating orthophotoplans based on UAV data to explore options for modeling protective zones based on varying legislative norms over time, incorporating specific nuances. This approach can benefit not only Ukraine but also other countries undergoing reforms in this field.</p> Boris Chetverikov Sebastian Różycki Andrii Malitskyy Luybov Babiy Copyright © 2024 Author(s) 2024-07-11 2024-07-11 6 2 144 163 10.30564/jees.v6i2.6360 An Innovative Predictive Model for Indoor Thermal Comfort Condition of Residential Buildings to Mitigate Urban Warming: Case Study Kolkata, India <p>The thermal comfort of building interior is one of the most important components of its thermal performance. The reliance of a building on artificial conditioning depends primarily on its inner comfort conditions. In recent times, this higher reliance of buildings on artificial ventilation and air conditioning has led to firstly, the creation of the heat island effect within cities, and secondly, the continuous warming of urban centers (particularly metropolises) with respect to the region and the hinterland to which they belong. The aim of this research is to investigate the relationship between the indoor thermal condition of old and new buildings to the contributing factors and to develop an innovative predictive numerical model to design buildings ensuring better indoor thermal comfort conditions. To date, no such composite predictive model has been innovated, although a considerable amount of work has been done on the factors separately. Considering the global urban warming since 1970 this research has sampled an equal number of residences from "Old Buildings" built before 1947 CE and "New Buildings" built after 1970 CE. This study is based on a composite analysis of the thermal performances of sample buildings against the physical factors influencing thermal performance—initially through examination of correlation and thereafter by developing a set of innovative numerical predictive models between indoor thermal conditions and their contributing parameters. This new numerical model shows a 55% curve-fitting on the thermal comfort index used.</p> Sanmarga Mitra Shailendra Kr. Mandal Copyright © 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-17 2024-06-17 6 2 64 86 10.30564/jees.v6i2.6612 Palaeoweathering, Provenance and Hydrothermal Alteration Characteristics of Nahuta Clay, Jos-Plateau, Northcentral Nigeria <p>The geochemical characteristics of Nahuta clay, Jos-Plateau, northcentral Nigeria were obtained to ascertain the provenance, palaeoweathering and hydrothermal alteration characteristics. Clay samples were collected at different horizons. SiO<sub>2</sub> contents along the profile show a decrease from the deepest sample to the topmost sample and were consistent with the predicted reduction in SiO<sub>2</sub> compositions up-profile associated with weathering. The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) values (96.68–99.81%) of Nahuta clays suggest weathering in the area. The SiO<sub>2</sub> content and CIA values indicate weathering in Nahuta area. The topmost part of the clay profile increases in Na<sub>2</sub>O and K<sub>2</sub>O concentrations and this is against the expected gradual decrease in Na<sub>2</sub>O and K<sub>2</sub>O concentrations up-profile which should reflect destruction of plagioclase (K-feldspar) and removal due to weathering. This probably indicates the addition of Na<sub>2</sub>O and K<sub>2</sub>O to the clay deposit from other sources, possibly hydrothermal fluids. This is indicative that the process of formation of Nahuta clay is through hydrothermal alteration. Based on the mineralogical compositions (quartz, albite, kaolinite, illite and osumilite), the provenance of Nahuta clay could be associated with hydrothermal alteration and weathering of granitic host rocks.</p> S.C. Odewumi M.A. Onimisi M.O. Adeoye A.N. Changde B.T. Omoyajowo Copyright © 2024 Author(s) 2024-07-17 2024-07-17 6 2 164 175 10.30564/jees.v6i2.6286 Contingent Valuation on Residents' Willingness to Pay for Mangrove Rehabilitation in Baroy, Lanao Del Norte, Philippines <p>There were about 450,000 hectares of mangroves in the Philippines in the early 1900s which declined to 311,400 hectares in 2020 due to continued pressures from human-caused degradations such as illegal logging and conversion to fish and shrimp ponds in which rehabilitation is needed. This study, therefore, determined the factors that influence the resident's Willingness to Pay for mangrove rehabilitation in Barangay Raw-an Point, Baroy, Lanao del Norte, Philippines. Using the single-bounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation method, the willingness to pay of the local community for mangrove rehabilitation was assessed. A total of 200 households were involved in the survey. Focus Group Discussion was utilized in obtaining the bid amounts used in the survey questionnaire. The results show that 84% of the 200 households expressed willingness to pay for the mangrove rehabilitation project. Furthermore, the mean willingness to pay was computed at PHP 139.00 (2.40 USD) per household per month, equivalent to Php 665,524.00 (11,502 USD) per year for the total number of households in Barangay. The findings of the logistic regression analysis revealed that the bid amount, knowledge, and perception on both the economic importance and the ecological services provided by mangroves affect the willingness to pay on the respondents.</p> Arif M. Ampaso Mark Joseph J. Buncag Ricmar P. Magarin Kaleb P. Arreza Copyright © 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 6 2 52 63 10.30564/jees.v6i2.6405 Features of the Geoinformation Monitoring System Using Microwave and Optical Tools <p>The article discusses the issues of GIMS-technology that combines the methodology of GIS-technology and simulation modeling, giving it predictive functions when solving problems of environmental monitoring of the environment. The relationships between experimental data, algorithms and models of environmental processes are analyzed to implement effective operational control and diagnostics of the environment. Particular attention is paid to remote microwave sensing sensors, which ensure the implementation of the functions of GIMS-technology when solving specific problems of monitoring natural systems. For example, the use of microwave technology makes it possible to quickly obtain data on the state of soil moisture, and salinity water bodies, assess the possibility of critical hydrological situations and monitor the condition of hydraulic structures in regions with increased hydrological hazard. It is noted that GIMS-technology ensures the restoration of the spatial distribution of geoecosystem characteristics based on the data of route and ground measurements, which are characterized by fragmentation in space and episodicity in time. GIMS-technology makes it possible to overcome situations of irreducible information uncertainty, using the evolutionary modeling technique for this. The use of optical sensors and spectroellipsometry and spectrophotometry technologies makes it possible to calculate indicators of the quality of water resources, assessing the content of chemical elements in water and the presence of pollutant stains on the water surface.</p> Ferdenant A. Mkrtchyan Copyright © 2024 Author(s) 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 6 2 17 28 10.30564/jees.v6i2.6325 Scintillation Level of Scattered Radio Waves in the Equatorial Ionosphere <p>Scintillation effects of propagating and scattered radio waves (RWs) are considered analytically and numerically in the equatorial terrestrial ionosphere applying the statistical characteristics. Analytical calculations of the second-order statistical moments of the phase fluctuations of the ordinary and extraordinary RWs in the conductive collision ionospheric magnetoplasma (COCOIMA) are carried out for the first time using the Wentzel-Kramers-Brilluen method and the modified smooth perturbation method in consideration of the diffraction effects. Polarization coefficients of these waves in the equatorial ionosphere have been derived for the first time. The scintillation level includes the variance and the correlation functions of scattered RWs. Statistical moments contain complex refractive index, anisotropy coefficient characterizing irregular plasmonic structures, tilt angle of prolate irregularities concerning to the external magnetic field, permittivity components of the equatorial ionosphere, Hall's, Pedersen and longitudinal conductivities. A new feature of the "Fountain Effect" has been discovered in the equatorial ionosphere at weak and moderate scintillations caused due to anisotropy parameters of electron density fluctuations. Anisotropy parameters of electron density inhomogeneities influence the scintillation index of both the ordinary and extraordinary radio waves shifting maximums of the curves in the opposite directions at weak and moderate scintillations. Numerical calculations are carried out using the hybrid anisotropic correlation function of electron density fluctuations containing both exponential and power-law spectral functions having arbitrary spectral index, applying the experimental data.</p> George Jandieri Zaza Sanikidze Nino Mchedlishvili Copyright © 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 6 2 99 109 10.30564/jees.v6i2.6643 Water Quality Assessment Using the Water Quality Index, and Geographic Information Systems in Nador Canal, Morocco <p>In recent decades, water pollution has emerged as a significant concern, posing a threat to both humans and natural ecosystems. This study aimed to assess the spatial variations in water quality in the Nador Canal, Morocco using the water quality index combined with multivariate statistical techniques and geographic information systems (GIS). The parameters examined were then compared to the maximum permissible limit values recommended by Moroccan surface water standards and the World Health Organization. The results indicated that the WQI of Nador Canal is generally suitable for irrigation and unsuitable for drinking. It indicated that the quality of surface water in the Nador Canal is affected by organic pollutants, and this is evidenced by low levels of dissolved oxygen, the levels of elements were high, especially chlorine and sodium, in addition to a high concentration of ammonia, nitrate, and phosphate in some of the stations studied. Principal component analysis (PCA) results revealed that PC1–PC3 collectively accounted for 73% of the variation in surface water quality within the study area. The cluster analysis also proves that the water quality is relatively polluted. Potential contributing factors to surface water pollution include changes in the hydrological regime, household waste discharges, and agricultural activities. These findings furnish essential insights into water quality, particularly its suitability for irrigation, and contribute to enhancing the water quality management system of the Nador Canal in the Gharb region of Morocco.</p> Driss Hammoumi Hefdhallah S. Al-Aizari Zaid Alkhawlani Saïd Chakiri Zohra Bejjaji Copyright © 2024 Author(s) 2024-05-11 2024-05-11 6 2 1 16 10.30564/jees.v6i2.6310 Assessment of the Solar Energy Potential over South America Estimated by CMIP6 Models in the Present and Future Climate <p>Developing the renewable energy matrix of South America (SA) is fundamental for sustainable socioeconomic growth and mitigating climate change's adverse effects. Thus, this study estimates changes in SA's solar irradiance and solar power potential using data from eight global climate models (GCMs) belonging to the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project—Phase 6 (CMIP6). Applying statistical downscaling and bias correction with the Quantile Delta Mapping (QDM) technique, we evaluate projected changes in the Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) and Photovoltaic Power (PVP) outputs under different future climate scenarios (SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5). Historical simulations (1995–2014) are validated using ERA5 reanalysis and CLARA-A3 satellite observations. The QDM method reduces the models' systematic biases, decreasing the ensemble's errors by 50% across SA throughout the year. Regarding future decades (2020–2099), the CMIP6 ensemble shows spatial and seasonal variability in solar generation. For CSP, estimates suggest that regions traditionally favorable to solar energy generation (such as the Brazilian Northeast and portions of Chile) will maintain their suitable conditions during the 21st century, projecting a potential 1–6% increase (particularly under the SSP5-8.5 scenario in southern Chile and most of Brazil). Concerning PVP generation, the CMIP6 ensemble projects a rise of 1–4% (mainly under the SSP5-8.5 scenario in the Amazonia, Midwest, and Southeast Brazilian sectors). Moreover, trend analyses projected individually by the CMIP6 GCMs converge on an increasing PVP, mainly in Brazil's Amazonia and Midwest regions. In contrast, for South Brazil, approximately 84% of the projections show a negative trend (or no trend), evidencing unfavorable or uncertain conditions for solar generation development in the region. Despite the data and processes' inherent limitations, this study yields a first analysis of statistically downscaled projections from CMIP6 for solar power generation in South America, providing valuable information for energy sector decision-makers.</p> Glauber W. S. Ferreira Michelle S. Reboita João Gabriel M. Ribeiro Copyright © 2024 Author(s) 2024-07-05 2024-07-05 6 2 110 143 10.30564/jees.v6i2.6425 Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Precision Irrigation <p>This paper provides an overview of the various applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in precision irrigation. It covers key research areas, methodologies, challenges, and future prospects in the field. The methodology is based on exploring how AI technologies are being used to optimize water management in agriculture and examines the growing body of research on the application of AI in irrigation systems. Deep investigation was conducted to explore how AI technologies can enhance water management in agriculture, leading to improved water management and crop yield in addition to resource efficiency. The paper discusses AI-based methods for monitoring soil conditions, weather forecasting, and real-time decision-making in irrigation. However, integration of AI systems with existing irrigation infrastructure and farming practices can be challenging, requiring significant investment in hardware and software.</p> Ahmed Elshaikh Elsiddig Elsheikh Jamal Mabrouki Copyright © 2024 Author(s) 2024-07-16 2024-07-16 6 2 176 186 10.30564/jees.v6i2.6679 A Literature Review of the Environmental and Health Risks of Copper Foil Manufacturing Plants in Relation to a New Facility Planned in Catalonia, Spain <p>Electrolytic copper foil (elecfoil) is a thin copper foil with a thickness of less than 10 µm, which is an essential component for the manufacture of electric batteries. More specifically, it is widely used to make cathode collectors in rechargeable lithium batteries. Over the next few years, the expected demand for electricity is very important. Therefore, there will be an evident need for new manufacturing plants of copper foil. In relation to this, as can happen with any industrial facility, elecfoil manufacturing plants may pose potential environmental and health risks. These risks may affect the surrounding ecosystems, as well as the population living in the vicinity of the facilities. Contamination of air (particulate matter, SO<sub>2</sub>, NOx, VOCs), water (copper and other heavy metals), and soil (heavy metals and other harmful substances) is an issue of notable concern. In Mont-Roig del Camp (Catalonia, Spain), a new elecfoil facility is currently planned. Considering the social concern that this facility—the first one in Spain—has raised in the population of the area, the state-of-the-art electrolytic copper foil manufacturing plants are here reviewed. The scientific databases Scopus, PubMed and Google Scholar, as well as information obtained from different sources (Internet), were used. The most important conclusion of this review is that there is currently no information—available in scientific journals—on the characterization and evaluation of the environmental and health risks of this kind of facility. Anyhow, to minimize the potential negative environmental and health impacts of this planned elecfoil manufacturing plant, strict periodical controls, comprehensive environmental management systems, and relevant regulations are strongly recommended.</p> José L. Domingo Copyright © 2024 Author(s) 2024-05-22 2024-05-22 6 2 29 41 10.30564/jees.v6i2.6314 Valorization of Agricultural Wastes to Offset Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) Emissions: An Insight in Southeast Asia <p>This paper aims to review and synthesize the existing literature on agricultural waste valorization in the Southeast Asian (SEA) region, with a focus on its potential to offset greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The SEA region generates abundant agricultural wastes from major commodity crops, such as: rice, palm oil, sugarcane, coconut, and corn, which present opportunities for valorization. The review found that countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand have conducted several studies on agricultural waste valorization, exploring pathways such as bioenergy, value-added products, and soil amendments. However, only a few studies exist for some countries with high residue valorization potential, such as Vietnam and the Philippines. The reviewed literature showed a relationship between agricultural waste valorization and emissions that could contribute to air pollution, but no direct association was established with the associated GHG emissions. The abundance of agricultural residues across SEA presents opportunities for valorization to offset GHG emissions. However, effective valorization is hindered by challenges like open burning practices, logistical issues, and a lack of sustainable waste management strategies. This review highlights the need for further research to establish the direct relationship between agricultural waste valorization and GHG emissions reduction in the SEA region.</p> Zhylannie Nacua Gina Lacang Copyright © 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-19 2024-06-19 6 2 87 98 10.30564/jees.v6i2.6562