Journal of Management Science & Engineering Research <p>ISSN: 2630-4953(Online)</p> <p>Email:</p> <p><a href="" target="_black"><button class="cmp_button">Online Submissions</button></a></p> BILINGUAL PUBLISHING GROUP en-US Journal of Management Science & Engineering Research 2630-4953 Investigating the Impact of Regional Digital Finance Development on Short-run IPO Performance: Empirical Evidence from China <p>This study investigates the influence of regional digital finance development on corporate short-run IPO performance, using a sample of 1,478 IPO firms listed on the Shenzhen and Shanghai Stock Exchanges from 2011 to 2021. Employing the Peking University Financial Inclusion Index as a measure of regional digital finance development and first-day IPO returns as the measure of short-run IPO performance, our baseline regression results show that regional digital finance development significantly fosters the IPO short-run performance. The results of mechanism analysis shows that information transparency serves as the significant mediation variable to strength the nexus of regional digital finance development with corporate IPO short run performance. Additionally, robustness checks using a two-stage least squares (2SLS) approach with provincial internet penetration as an instrumental variable validate the baseline findings. Furthermore, the results of firm level heterogeneity analysis shows that smaller firms and state-owned enterprises (SOEs) benefit more from digital finance development in terms of IPO performance compared to non-SOEs and larger firms.</p> Yingda Tang Copyright © 2024 Author(s) 2024-08-02 2024-08-02 7 2 31 43 10.30564/jmser.v7i2.6794 A Comprehensive Guide to the COPRAS method for Multi-Criteria Decision Making <p>MCDM has been utilized as a proficient decision-making technique for numerous decades. Complex Proportional Assessment (COPRAS) method, a prominent technique in multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) which offers a systematic and effective framework for evaluating alternatives and making informed choices. The versatility of COPRAS is demonstrated via case studies across various domains, such as engineering, business, and environmental management, showcasing its adaptability and robustness in providing solutions to diverse decision-making scenarios. There is a lack of a comprehensive guide and a reviewing of application, strengths, and limitation for this method in the literature. Therefore, this study aims to offer an in-depth understanding of the COPRAS approach, including its applications, advantages, and disadvantages. Additionally, it provides detailed guidance on how to utilize the COPRAS methodology for decision-making and real-life problems.</p> Hamed Taherdoost Atefeh Mohebi Copyright © 2024 Author(s) 2024-05-23 2024-05-23 7 2 1 14 10.30564/jmser.v7i2.6280 Examining the influence of green transformation on corporate environmental and financial performance: Evidence from Chemical Industries of China <p>This study aims to investigate the impact of green transformation on the environmental and financial performance of 173 Chinese A-share listed chemical enterprises over the period 2012-2022. We employ fixed-effects model, and found the positive influence of green transformation on both environmental and financial performance. Furthermore, it explores the moderating role of corporate governance strength in enhancing the relationship between green transformation and financial and environmental performance metrics. Findings suggest that robust corporate governance further strengthens this positive nexus for both, but mainly moderates environmental performance. The study also delves into the heterogeneous effects of firm size and ownership, highlighting that larger and state-owned firms benefit more substantially from green transformation initiatives. These insights provide crucial implications for policymakers and managers aiming to optimize both financial and environmental outcomes through green transformation. The study recommends the adoption of green technologies and stronger corporate governance to facilitate a shift from a shareholder-centric to a stakeholder-inclusive perspective, ultimately fostering resource-efficient processes that contribute positively to environmental sustainability.</p> Jihu Lei Asad Nisar Copyright © 2024 Jihu Lei, Asad Nisar 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 7 2 17 32 10.30564/jmser.v7i2.6678 The Operation Mechanism of an Agile Organization in the Digital Era: A case Study from the Social Media Perspective <p>There is a need to deeply summarize the operating mechanism of organizations that fought against the COVID-19 pandemic. During the outbreak of the pandemic, a large number of non-profit organizations coordinated the donations of medical materials needed badly by frontline medical professionals. However, how did these organizations operate in the emergent situation after all? Summary of their practical mechanism needs to be deepened. Taking the Gu Dian organization that fought against the COVID-19 outbreak as a case, as the organization coordinated medical material donations, the present study is directed by the framework of an agile organization in the digital era. The research summarizes the agile management mechanism of the non-profit organization that served during the pandemic, and analyzes the effect of digital tools on the non-profit organization. The results show: 1) the operation of Gu Dian organization can be explained quite well by the framework of an agile organization in the digital era, and the case supplements important information for the framework; 2) social media affordances supported the establishment and operation of Gu Dian organization. The results summarize the agile management mechanism of organizations that coordinated the donations during the pandemic, which provide professional implications for organizations to operate fast and effectively in face of emergent disasters.</p> Xiaoping Tong Copyright © 2024 Author(s) 2024-09-06 2024-09-06 7 2 44 59 10.30564/jmser.v7i2.7038