Journal of Smart Buildings and Construction Technology <p>ISSN: 2810-9511(Online)</p> <p>Email:</p> <p><a href="" target="_black"><button class="cmp_button">Online Submissions</button></a></p> en-US (Managing Editor: Echo Young) (Amie) Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0800 OJS 60 A Comparative Study on Seismic Analysis of Multistorey Buildings in Different Seismic Zones <p>The multi-story buildings are constructed to accommodate numerous residents in confined spaces due to the growing population and lack of available land. The population growth and industrial revolution caused a migration of people from rural to urban areas resulting in the need for the construction of multi-story buildings for both residential and commercial uses. The tall buildings, which are not adequately constructed to resist lateral stresses, result in the total collapse of the structure. Buildings that can withstand earthquake forces are created by considering different criteria such as the building’s inherent frequency, damping factor, kind of base, significance of the building and ductility of the structure. Because they have better moment distribution properties, structures designed for ductility need to be designed for lower lateral loads. To ensure safety against the seismic stresses of multi-story buildings, it is essential to understand seismic analysis in order to develop earthquake-resistant structures. Both a regular moment resisting frame and a special moment-resisting frame were taken into account for the seismic study. In the present study, a G + 8 storey reinforced concrete (RC) structure in three different seismic zones was compared in terms of percentage longitudinal steel, reinforcement details, and design base shear. The structure was examined for seismic zones III, IV, and V in accordance with the guidelines of IS 1893 (Part 1): 2016. Results showed that base shear increased with the change in the seismic zone from III to V.</p> Kiran Devi, Subhankar Petal Copyright © 2023 Kiran Devi, Subhankar Petal Sat, 01 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0800 Hysteretic Performance of Ring-shaped Energy-dissipating Devices for Assembly of Steel Frame Structure with External Wall Panel <p>To protect the external wall panel of the steel frame in prefabricated construction, a kind of ring-shaped energydissipating device (RSED) was proposed and further studied, which can connect the wall panel and steel frame. The hysteretic performance of steel frame-external wall panel system (SFEWPS) with RSED as the joint is analyzed via the finite element method, to quantify the protective effect of RSED on a wall panel. The results are that even under extremely rare earthquakes, RSED can still effectively control the energy consumption of wall panels, and play a protective role for it. In addition, combined with failure mechanism analysis, this paper proposes the best parameter selection for RSED.</p> Yuliang Qi, Kewei Huang, Jing Li, Yixin Zeng, Keke Huang Copyright © 2023 Yuliang Qi, Kewei Huang, Jing Li, Yixin Zeng, Keke Huang Mon, 10 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0800 Adoption of Metaverse in the Indian Construction Industry: An Overview <p>Technology is being adopted in various sectors worldwide at a significantly faster pace, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic breakdown as well as the subsequent lockdown, which has proved very beneficial in a lot of aspects. The ACE industry (architecture, construction and engineering) is a very labor-intensive industry by its nature and the adoption of technology has been at a slower pace than the other sectors. However, the intervention of technology in the industry is comparatively more unrushed. Construction is one of the longest-standing industries in India. Technology adoption in the construction industry in India has not been to the desired extent. A wider use of the Metaverse technology can be expected in the Indian construction industry if the companies appreciate its benefits. This paper aims to give an overview of the state of adoption of the Metaverse technology in the Indian construction industry. An analysis of the benefits that could be derived from technology adoption and the hindrances that are posing a setback for the adoption were achieved in this study. The benefits of Metaverse adoption are multi-fold with a wide range of activities beginning from design conceptualization, proposals, project planning, coordination, tracking work progress, training and many more.</p> Sathwika Padida, Srinivas K Copyright © 2023 Sathwika Padida,Srinivas K Sat, 01 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0800