
Bilingual Publishing Group, formerly known as Bilingual Publishing Co, was founded in 1984 and upgraded to Bilingual Publishing Group in 2022. Bilingual Publishing Group has been dedicated to cultural work of bilingual academic research, international journal publishing, conferences, and topical cooperation for more than 40 years, enjoying a high reputation in southeast Asian countries, even around the world.

The attitude of learning and researching has changed and evolved over the past more than 40 years; but the need for high-quality academic achievements has never changed and stopped. Our mission is now, as it has always been, to advance researching around the world by publishing to the very highest standards the latest in thinking and research. To achieve this, we are committed to supporting platform in achievements sharing and academic exchange. We publish without boundaries, ensuring our resources are accessible across the globe, in print, digital and online formats.

Bilingual Publishing Group was previously focused on the production and publication of language books, and related learning material. By providing a bilingual approach, our books were able to help promote language learning in Singapore, and across Southeast Asia. By expanding to the domain of open-access journals, Bilingual Publishing Group hopes to be able to reach more academics and professionals around the world. In the future, Bilingual Publishing Group will actively explore more publications with comprehensive subjects, to provide a more convenient, professional, quality, and comprehensive platform for global scholars for information exchange and discussion.

Company Philosophy

After years of development, the Bilingual Publishing Group has achieved remarkable results in many areas, which is attributed to the support of scholars and the joint efforts of publishers.
We will consistently maintain three concepts as our development principles in the further growth.
The first is the contribution to the publishing industry and the promotion of scientific and technological development. We will adhere to all publication ethics, resolutely resist all kinds of academic misconduct, and maintain the solemnity of the publishing industry and the preciseness of scientific development.

The second is the respect and support for scientists. We encourage scholars to share their research results and actively participate in scientific seminars, and also provide support and commentary on new research. In response, the Bilingual Publishing Group has instituted a journal development department and provides many kinds of rewards such as research fund support, academic communication/conference platforms, and awards for outstanding contributions to editors-in-chief/editorial board members and scholars who have made genuine contributions.

The third is our responsibility to society. During the development process of Bilingual Publishing Group, we always keep our social responsibility in mind and actively participate in social welfare activities. Bilingual Publishing Group will contributes to the publication industry as well as to the improvement of human living standards and humanitarian aid to the best of our ability.