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Avogo, Florence Abugtane, SD Dombo University for Business and Integrated Development Studies, Department of Planning, Wa, Upper West, Ghana
Avraam, T., National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Awadzie, David Mensah, Accra Institute of Technology, Ghana Business School, Accra, Ghana
Awais, Muhammad, Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering & Technology, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, China;Department of Farm Machinery and Power, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan
Awashreh, Raed, <p>College of Business Administration, A’Sharqiyah University, Ibra, Oman</p>
Awashreh, Raed, <p>Management Department, A'Sharqiyah University, Ibra, Oman</p>
Awashreh, Raed, <p>Management Department, College of Business Administration, A’Sharqiyah University, Ibra, Oman</p>
Awasthi, Anshuman, Engineering, Restoration Hardware
Awazi, Nyong Princely, Department of Forestry and Wildlife Technology, College of Technology, The University of Bamenda, Cameroon
Awe, Folalu Adekunle, Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Science, Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos State, Nigeria
Awodele, Imole A., <p><em>Department of Quantity Surveying, Durban University of Technology, Durban, 4000, South Africa</em></p>
Ayachi, Riadh, Laboratory of Electronics and Microelectronics (EμE), Faculty of Sciences of Monastir, University of Monastir, Tunisia
Ayachi, Riadh, University of Monastir
Ayako, Rebecca M., Department of Zoological Sciences of the School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Kenyatta University, Kenya
Ayanninuola, Olatunji Samuel, Nasarawa State University Keffi, Keffi, Nasarawa State, Nigeria
Ayapbergenov , Bulat, <p>Department of Kazakh and Russian Languages, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University, Faculty of Humanities, Zhenis Ave, 62, Astana 010011, Republic of Kazakhstan</p>
Ayaz, Muhammad Mazhar, Cholistan University of Veterinary and animal Sciences, Bahawalpur, Pakistan
Ayazbayeva, Bakhyt, <p>Faculty of Philology, Karaganda Buketov University, Karaganda 100024, The Republic of Kazakhstan</p>
Aydawati, Emilia Ninik, <p>Faculty of Language and Arts, Soegijapranata Catholic University, Semarang 50234, Indonesia</p>
AYDIN, Miraç, Marmara University, Industrial Engineering Department, Ziverbey Campus, Kadikoy-Istanbul, TURKEY
Ayeni, Joshua Ayobami, <p>Department of Computer Science, Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Oyo State, 211271, Nigeria</p>
AYHAN, Mustafa Batuhan, Marmara University, Industrial Engineering Department, Ziverbey Campus, Kadikoy-Istanbul, TURKEY
Aylaz, Rukuye, <p><em>Department of Public Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Inonu University, Malatya, 44280, Turkey</em></p>
Ayooluwa, Olubode Adebanke, Department of Soil Science & Land Management, Federal University of Agriculture, P.M.B. 2240, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria
Ayoubi, Aisha, Lebanese University, Habitat and Energy Unit, Group of Mechanical, Thermal and Renewable Energies—Laboratory of Applied Physics (LPA-GMTER), Faculty of Sciences, Fanar Campus, Lebanon, 248199, France

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