Lean Construction in a Real Estate Project – A Case Study
Majority of all the construction projects experience cost and time overruns for reasons which are many times beyond the control of stakeholders. To overcome the same, the concept of lean integrated project delivery came into existence. Lean culture focuses on customer by empowering employees. It involves in converting waste into value by reducing waste, improving communication, and promoting teamwork integration through a common set of tools and techniques. Aim of lean construction is to achieve the affordable cost with optimum utilization of man, material and machinery. Wastes in construction industry which do not add value are supply in excess materials in inventory for raw material, work in progress, finished goods etc. Waiting for preceding activity, over processing and defects can be reduced through lean construction. This paper deals with lean construction techniques for identifying the waste in a construction project and eliminating the same.. In this project estimation of a building is done to find cost of the project with respect to specifications and compared the traditional methods vis- a vis and lean construction techniques which can bring down the cost and with substantial improvement in quality aimed at satisfying the customer.
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