A Private Organization Utilizes the Best Value Approach on an Enterprise Resource Planning System


  • Alfredo Rivera Leadership Society of Arizona, 2429 E Hermosa Vista Dr, Mesa, AZ 85213, USA




The Best Value Approach (BVA) is a new project delivery method that has been developed at Arizona State University. It has been documented to increase performance and value on projects by the identification and utilization of expertise instead of management, direction, and control (MDC). It utilizes performance information that is simple, observable, and countable. It allows the expert vendor to know what the client project requires, why they can achieve success and what they will do before they do it. The tracking of the project cost and time deviation requires an initial plan and method to track it. Preliminary results of the BVA have shown a 90% decrease in effort by client organizations, 98% customer satisfaction and has led to 1% vendor cost and time deviation rate. It applies to construction, services/IT projects, and any long-term service. In 2014, a large private organization having difficulty delivering information technology (IT) and construction/facility services identified the BVA as a potential solution. This paper will summarize a major IT Enterprise Resource Planning case study that the large private organization used the BVA on and identify the full results.


Best Value Approach; Information Technology; Large Private Organization; ERP Systems; Procurement.


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