Parasitic Copepods on Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio, L. 1758) from Gradche Reservoir (Macedonia)
During the parasitological examinations of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio, L. 1758) from the Gradche Reservoir (Macedonia), a total of 126 fish samples were examined, from which parasite infestation was determined in 87 fish (69.05%). In this research, the following parasitic copepods were identified: Ergasilus sieboldi, Ergasilus briani, and Lernaea cyprinacea. Ergasilus sieboldi was found on gills of common carp, with a prevalence of 1.461%, while the mean intensity was 2.357. Ergasilus briani was found on fins of common carp, with a prevalence of 1.879%, while the mean intensity was 38.274. Lernaea cyprinacea was found on the fins of common carp, with a prevalence of 0.552%, while mean intensity was 2,000. Our findings of Ergasilus sieboldi, Ergasilus briani, and Lernaea cyprinacea in common carp are considered as first records for Macedonia. At the same time, common carp is a new host for Ergasilus briani in Macedonian waters.
Parasites; Copepods; Common carp; ReservoirReferences
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