Fillet Quality and Gut Content Analysis of Parachanna obscura and Clarias agboyiensis
Nigeria waters are rich with a variety of fish species but only very few are cultured and available for consumption. This study was conducted to know the fillet quality, gut content and condition of Parachanna obscura and Clarias agboyiensis in Nigeria using Igbokoda river as a reference because it is a the major fishing site in the nation. Studies were conducted on the viscera somatic index based on the organ weight and the body weight of the fish and the food item consumed by Parachanna obscura and Clarias agboyiensis between May to October, 2019 to infer on the fillet quality and gut content of P. obscura and C. agboyiensis in the water body respectively. A summary of food items that constituted the diet of Clarias agboyiensis are Baccillariophyta, fish, fat droplets, dinoflagellate, insect and Chlorophyta which constituted the most important food items both occurring in all stomachs containing food. The fishes has more muscle than the viscera organs which indicate that the weight of the fish before dressing out is higher than the weight of the fish after dressing out. This is suggestive of a good quality of food fish. There was a significant correlation between body weight and total length of specimens found in this study. Increases in total length resulted in corresponding increases in body weight. The result for the condition factor showed was below the expected or standard value (K = 1) which shows this species was not in favorable environmental condition. It is therefore necessary to allow phytoplanktons grow well in water body to increase availability of food items to Parachanna obscura and Clarias agboyiensis. P. obscura and C. agboyiensis are also good food fishes of a high fillet quality. They are omnivorous feeders therefore having potentials for aquaculture.
Parachanna obscura; Clarias agboyiensis; Gut content; Viscera somatic index; Fillet; OminivorousReferences
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