The Optimal Coexistence of Cells: How Could Human Cells Create The Integrative Physiology
A general view of human physiology is proposed. Each of 220 cell types must provide its intimate functions despite occasional or chronic obstacles created by other cells. The physiological mechanisms are independently emerged and evolutionarily saved due to their ability to provide optimal-like coexistence of cells on a background of destructive challenges of external/internal environments. In certain limits, both cells and organs are adaptive. The cell has accumulated both passive adaptation mechanisms mainly parallel working in the biochemistry, and active physiological mechanisms fighting for the optimal cell metabolism. Its rate depends on the cell type and current phase into the cell cycle. The adaptive properties of organs and their functional systems have resulted from the cells’ adaptivity. The impaired cells (under energy lack and/or contaminated cytoplasm) produce adaptation factors acting both in the cell and at multiple organism-scales. Multicellular mechanisms, enhancing the cell fight for energy balance, creating the due cytoplasm for optimizing metabolism, force the most physiological characteristics, including the mean arterial pressure to fluctuate or shift. The view is a basis for re-thinking the concept of the so-called physiological norm and fundamental mechanisms of age-associated pathologies, in particular, hypertension.
Cell metabolism; Energy shortage; Cytoplasm purifiers; Adaptation; Functional systems; HypertensionReferences
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