Low-intensity Microwave Radiation of Natural Substances for Physiotherapy
The mechanisms of influence of physiotherapy procedures in ozokeriteparaffin therapy are considered in this paper. It is shown that microwave electromagnetic radiation formed by heated ozokerite-paraffin mixture is an important component of physiotherapy procedures. Using the experimental setup developed by the authors, the radiative abilities of ozokerite, paraffin and their mixtures in the microwave range were investigated. It was found that in the process of cooling the ozokerite-paraffin mixture, during the procedure, negative microwave fluxes occur, affecting the inflammatory processes in the patient’s body. The dependences of the microwave radiation level on the composition of the ozokerite-paraffin mixture are investigated. The results of experimental studies allowed us to evaluate the interaction of electromagnetic radiation of ozokerite-paraffin mixtures with human own electromagnetic radiation and to approach the choice of modes of therapeutic interaction more carefully.
Physiotherapy;Ozokerite;Paraffin;Microwave radiation;Radiometer;Measurement;Negative currentsReferences
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