New Concept of Whiplash Injuries Rehabilitation
Whiplash injuries are a global health problem and a significant financial burden for both health care systems, and for insurance providers. The diverse symptomatology after whiplash injury both in the somatic, emotional and behavioral sphere prompted separation of the Whiplash Associated Disorders (WAD) as a separate category of diseases. The exact mechanism of whiplash injury is still under debate and theories explaining pathogenesis of WAD are very diverse ranging from purely biomechanical to neurophysiological, emphasizing central sensitization but the core disability seems to be strictly connected to somatosensory dysfunction. As a result, the optimal algorithm of rehabilitation has not been established and data published in the current literature on effectiveness of such algorithms are inconsistent. Based on the prsesnted here of Head Neutral Reference Point (HNRP), the objective of central desensitization is to restore valid somatosensory output from Cranio - cervical Junction (CCJ). This new concept of rehabilitation after whiplash presented here is based on clinical observations and is supported by initial results.
Whiplash injuries; Rehabilitation; Somatosensory disorder; Craniocervical injury; Pain managementReferences
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