Several Theoretical and Applied Problems of Human Extreme Physiology: Mathematical Modeling
Human cardiovascular system (CVS) and hemodynamics are critically sensitive to essential alterations of mechanical inertial forces in directions of head-legs (+Gz) or legs-head (-Gz). Typically, such alterations appear during pilotage maneuvers of modern high maneuverable airspace vehicles (HMAV).The vulnerability of pilots or passengers of HMAV to these altering forces depends on their three main characteristics: amplitude, dynamics, and duration. Special protections, proposed to minimize this vulnerability, should be improved in parallel with the increasing of these hazardous characteristics of HMAVs. Empiric testing of novel protection methods and tools is both expensive and hazardous. Therefore computer simulations are encouraged. Autonomic software (AS) for simulating and theoretical investigating of the main dynamic responses of human CVS to altering Gz is developed. AS is based on a system of quantitative mathematical models (QMM) consisting of about 1300 differential and algebraic equations. QMM describes the dynamics of both CVS (the cardiac pump function, baroreceptor control of parameters of cardiovascular net presented by means of lumped parameter vascular compartments) and non-biological variables (inertial forces, and used protections). The main function of AS is to provide physiologist-researcher by visualizations of calculated additional data concerning characteristics of both external and internal environments under high sustained accelerations and short-time microgravity. Additionally, AS can be useful as an educational tool able to show both researchers and young pilots the main hemodynamic effects caused by accelerations and acute weightlessness with and without use of different protection tools and technics. In this case, AS does help users to optimize training process aimed to ensure optimal-like human tolerance to the altered physical environment. Main physiological events appearing under different scenarios of accelerations and microgravity have been tested.
Cardiovascular system; Hemodynamics; Baroreflexes; Accelerations; Weightlessness; SimulationReferences
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