3 C's of Architectural Space


  • Gökçe Ketizmen ONAL Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Eskisehir Osmangazi University




Architectural space has mainly two forms: spatial and corporeal. Within this context, the main purpose of the study is re-theming and interpreting the new connections within these two forms of architectural space by the help of three concepts; Conciseness, Continuity and Compatibility, called as the 3C`s of Architectural Space. The subjects of these three are presented as an open system in order to extract transferable ideas for re-theming the meaning of space. These concepts are evaluated with their reality in built forms through on-site observation inside the selected buildings. This study approaches architectural space clarifying the relevance of design elements and providing a reference framework for them. 


Architectural space; Conciseness; Continuity; Compatibility


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Article Type

Research Paper