A Study On the Structural Dimension of Middle class Relational Identification in Chinese Context
Through in-depth interviews, this study makes an exploratory study on the dimension of the middle class relational identification in Chinese context by using the grounded theory. It is mainly composed of 4 dimensions: relational orientation, relational adaptation, relational evaluation and relational development. According to the four dimension model of middle class relational identification, the middle class relational identification in China is the cognitive and behavioral orientation that in the action of achieving a certain purpose, because of the perception of consistence with each other in role cognition and personal cognition, the middle class is willing to unite and trust, respect and understand and coordinate the conflict to adapt to this relationship, and then to form a positive evaluation of the relationship and a sense of belonging and commitment to this relationship. The construction of the structural dimension of middle class relational identification in China is conducive to explaining the endemic phenomena of Chinese middle class.
Chinese context; Middle class; Relational identification; Structural dimensionReferences
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