The International Mobility of Students Apprentices at the Heart of Building a Skills Economy: the Example of the Corsican Territory
At a time of exacerbated globalization, education, and more generallytraining, is a key factor for our society, at the heart of territories challenged to renew themselves in the face of the emergence around the globeof new centers of economic and demographic gravity, with their ownmodels. Training, and its link with working life, is a real challenge toface, in the near future, the technological, economic, political and environmental revolutions that we are already facing. Beyond what is calledsandwich training or continuing vocational training in Higher Education,the current challenge is indeed around lifelong learning, old concept butwhose forms always call for an actualization in modernity. At the heart ofa small island territory like Corsica, this challenge is all the more crucialto take up as it foreshadows its attractiveness in a context of glocalisation now durably anchored. In an ever-changing global environment, withmoving landmarks, increasingly complex personal and professional lives,and where everything that seemed well compartmentalized yesterdayfaces increasing porosity, the purpose of this contribution is to explainthat the international mobility of students apprentices, at the heart of theconstruction of a skills economy, is a major strategic issue for the development and structuring of a small territory such as Corsica.Keywords:
International mobility of students apprentices; Lifelong learning; Training / employment; Skills economy; Development and structuring of the Corsican territoryReferences
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