Talent Value Creation during Digital Transformation: A Inductive Model of HR Reengineering


  • Hsiu-Hua Hu Department of International Business, School of Management, Ming Chuan University, Shihlin District, Taipei, Taiwan, China
  • Yaozong Zhu Department of Business and Administration, School of Management, Ming Chuan University, Shihlin District, Taipei, Taiwan, China




In this study, we are to explore (1) features of HR reengineering, (2) the impact of business digitalization strategies on digital transformation and HR engineering, (3) the impact of business digitalization strategies and HR reengineering on talent value creation, and present the results of a qualitative study that offers insight into 42 “thought units”, which were “categorizing” into four dimensions corresponding to our research questions: (1) plan, (2) do, (3) check, and (4) action. The “check” dimension corresponds to the four key features of HR reengineering related to business digitalization strategy, and how to create talent value when a company successfully implements business-led digital transformation, HR reengineering, and talent value creation, including (1) talent planning, (2) talent introduction, (3) talent adjustment, and (4) talent development.


Talent value creation; Digital transformation; HR reengineering; Qualitative study


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