Holonic Manufacturing System: the Holonic Revolution


  • Getulio Kazue Akabane State Faculty of Technology of São Paulo
  • Hamilton Pozo State Faculty of Technology of Santos




This work shows how to develop a methodology to support and integrate the concepts and projects of the Holonic Manufacturing System (HMS) with the other areas of the organization for full organizational management success, being a new entrepreneurial management, with support of this new technology in the reduction of costs and increased value added. HMS is in the process of being developed in the so-called "Consortium of the Rich Countries for the 21st Century", which involves governments, companies and universities from the first world countries, developing technology and knowledge related to the Holonic Manufacturing System (HMS). This new concept, under development by the above consortium, will allow the countries that hold this advancement to overcome the challenges of the globalized market and gain even more international competitiveness.


Holonic manufacturing system; Intelligent manufacturing system; Integration; Costs reduction; Manufacture


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