Earthen Architecture in Seismic Zones: Latin America and the Pacific Fire Belt
This paper analyzes the current state of earthen constructions in countries located in the Pacific Ring of Fire. In Latin America, countries such as Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina are located in the Pacific Ring of Fire and are subject to strong seismic exposure, making earthen constructions more vulnerable. From an analysis of the housing censuses of each country, it was observed that currently, earthen construction continues to be a construction option, that the percentage of earthen constructions varies from country to country, and that they make up a high percentage of dwellings; namely, in Colombia 5.3% (714.478 houses), Ecuador 8% (383.086), Peru 31% (2.390.625), Bolivia 37% (1.037.473), Chile 2% (121.756) and 1.9% in Argentina (230.185 houses). Peru, despite being one of the countries with the highest seismic risk, is the country with the highest number of earthen dwellings. It was concluded that in all the countries analyzed, earthen architecture prevails, employing different construction techniques whose characteristics are deeply rooted in each country’s ancestral culture. This highlights the importance of having regulations in place and skilled workers in order to intervene correctly and repair the structures after a seismic event.
Fire belt; Earthen construction; Housing censusReferences
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