Study of the Effective Factors on Shelf Currents in the Southern Caspian Sea


  • Maryam ShieaAli Caspian Climate Co



The current and wind records and the physical parameter structures such as temperature and salinity in the southwestern part of the Caspian Sea adjacent to Anzali Port were investigated from November 2004 up to the end of January 2005. Results show that, despite the existence of relatively weak winds along the coast in the area, the measurements indicate strong long shore currents. However, when heavy wind tension is observed in the area, then strong currents are also present, which - from the perspective of direction – also have good coordination with the wind. The direction of dominated currents was parallel to the coast from the west to the east. In most cases, the flow rate was identical from the surface to the seabed, and in this condition - because the values of the measured temperature points were almost identical-barotropic currents were present. However, in the autumn at some region, a significant difference was observed between the surface currents and subsurface currents due to temperature differences that affected the density and caused the creation of barclinic currents. Due to the high velocity of currents compared to wind velocity, and the intense slope of the coast and low-frequency movements in the area, we can hypothesize the existence of motions such as Kelvin waves and conclude that the effect of the wind compared to the other factors of the coastal current in the area was weaker.


Caspian Sea; Shelf currents; Wind; Low-frequency motions; Kelvin waves


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