The photovoltaic solar energy is comprised of many engineering disciplines. Geotechnical engineering is one of those disciplines in which it has important functions in the solar photovoltaic technology and particularly for large scale projects which usually employed in open areas such as parks or deserts. The aim of this paper is to present in depth... More
In recent decades, modifi ed asphalt materials have been used in enhancing the traffi c load on the roads. The main objective of this paper is to explore the modifi cation eff ect of direct coal liquefaction residue (DCLR) on as- phalt binders and investigate the eff ectiveness of DCLR in improving the performance of... More
Transportation plays a critical role in the economic sector in Bangladesh. Since its independence, infrastructure has been developing rapidly, including land, water, and air transportation. National economy is increasing at a relatively high rate, leading to the better-off of people’s lives. As the living standards keep improving, people are more concerned about safety issues in... More