Research on the Related Factors of the Second Molar Dislocation and Orthodontic Erect Method


  • Jinhong Guo Jinan Central Hospital Affiliate to Shandong First Medical University



The second molar dislocation is more common clinically. To investigate the related factors of the second permanent molar dislocation, and provide reference for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of orthodontics. From the current clinical research, the clinical methods of orthodontic erect secondary molars are also diverse and clinical.

The narrower first molar alveolar arch width, smaller ANB angle, and crowded maxillary posterior segment arch are the factors that cause the maxillary second permanent molar dislocation. The narrow alveolar arch width, the smaller SNB angle, the larger ANB angle, and the crowded lower mandibular arch are the factors leading to the dislocation of the mandibular second permanent molar. In addition, for the second mandibular molar malposition, it is particularly important to select the corrective treatment plan. It is especially important to improve the treatment.


Mandibular second molar; Malposition; Etiology; Orthodontic erect; Classification diagnosis; Best method


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Review Article