Investigation on Occupational Disease Inductive Factors of Automobile Manufacturing Enterprises and Evaluation of Control Effect
The automobile manufacturing industry has a complex process and various processes, so it has buried many occupational-disease-related safety hazards and is the industry of high incidence of occupational diseases. Accurate identifcation and effective control of hazards in automobile manufacturing are an important guarantee for effective prevention of occupational disease. In orderto investigate the types and status of occupational-disease-inductive factors of a car manufacturer, and evaluate the control effect, the general situation of the enterprise is collected from August 2016 to October 2017. And then the targeted treatment, including management measures, engineering protection and personal protection. The occupational-disease-inductive factors that are mainly produced in automobile manufacturing are productive dust, chemical substance and physical factors.
Automobile manufacturing; The occupational disease; Hazard factors; The control effectReferences
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