Investigation and Analysis on Constitution and Syndrome Types of HighNormal Blood Pressure People in Hebei Area in the Year of 2017
Purpose: To investigate the distribution of population and syndrome patterns in high-normal blood pressure people in Hebei area. Methods: A total of 453 people who met the inclusion criteria were investigated using a high-normal blood pressure human mass survey questionnaire. Results: of the 453 constitution types of high-normal blood pressure patients in Hebei area, 184were the constitution of yin-yang harmony, accounting for 40.62% of the total; 73 were the constitution of yang asthenia, accounting for 16.11% of the total; 59 were the constitution of damp-heat, accounting for 13.02% of the total; 52 were the constitution of qi asthenia, accounting for 11.48% of the total; 8 were the allergic constitution, accounting for 1.77% of the total. In addition, of their syndrome types, the syndrome of liver-fre hyperactivity were accounting for 30.24%; the syndrome of excessive phlegm-dampness
were accounting for 26.71%; the syndrome of yin-defciency and yang-predominance were accounting for 23.18%; the syndrome of defciency of both yin and yang were accounting for 19.87%. Conclusion: Among the high-normal blood pressure people in Hebei area, the proportion of the constitution of yin-yang harmony is the highest, followed by the constitution of yang asthenia, the constitution of damp-heat, and the constitution of qi asthenia, with the lowest percentage being the allergic constitution. In addition, when it comes to the syndrome of them, the proportion of the syndrome of liver-fre hyperactivity is the highest, followed by the syndrome of yin-defciency and yang-predominance, and the lowest is the syndrome of defciency of both yin and yang.
High-normal blood pressure people; Constitution types; Hebei area; Regularities of distribution; Sleep disordersReferences
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