
  • Journal of Economic Science Research has discontinued from 2023


    Journal of Economic Science Research has discontinued from 2023 and is no longer accepting submissions. Thank you readers, authors, and the editorial team for your contribution and support to the journal in the past 5 years. You may submit your manuscript to another journal of Bilingual Publishing Co. Please visit for a complete list of our journals.

    Articles previously published in this journal will continue to be archived on this website.

    Read more about Journal of Economic Science Research has discontinued from 2023
  • What is the relationship between domestic saving, investment and economic growth?


    Economic growth is defined as the increment in the inflation-adjusted market value of the goods and services produced by an economy in a particular time period. Economic growth represents the country’s socioeconomic wellbeing and quality of life in terms of financial value. This is an indicator to shows how the nation economically developed and stable. Generally, economic development or growth is measure as the percentage increase in the real gross domestic products (GDP). Economic deeds are interconnected with almost all the activities that human being performed and the economic theory is the central theory of development, politics, policy practicing, productions, distributions, consumptions, and many more theories existing and was practiced in the past as well. 

    Read more about What is the relationship between domestic saving, investment and economic growth?
  • Welcome to join us!


    The process of collating and peer review for the next issue (Volume 4, Issue 4) release has already begun.

    Due to the COVID-19, we have decided to offer the largest discount for all articles published in this issue.
    In addition, we provide fee waiver to authors from countries classified as low income counties by World Bank. Other requests of fee waiver will be considered on a case by case basis. To apply for a waiver please request Waiver before submitting your manuscript by sending an email to .

    We appreciate your submission and recommend excellent related manuscripts. [The Article Processing Charges for Accepted Manuscript only]

    Besides, if you are interested in being a reviewer of Journal of Economic Science Research, we welcome contact us via email

    Read more about Welcome to join us!
  • Journal of Economic Science Research 2020 Excellent Reviewer Award

    To acknowledge all those who have generously dedicated their time and effort to review manuscripts submitted to Journal of Economic Science Research (JESR), we create the JESR 2020 Excellent Reviewer Award to appreciate the Reviewers . We dedicate this award to those who have exhibited dedication, professionalism, and timeliness when reviewing manuscripts. Anonymous peer reviewing helps ensure the quality and integrity of scholarly communication. The JESR Editorial Office is extremely grateful to reviewers for the time and energy that they have dedicated to peer reviews. Read more about Journal of Economic Science Research 2020 Excellent Reviewer Award