Correction & Withdrawal Policies
Aging in the Shadow of COVID-19
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic presents a major challenge to societies all over the world. This new virus threat both socially as well as economically regarding health and safety of human being irrespective of age, race or social status across the world. This expository paper focuses on impact of COVID-19 upon elderly and importance of social distancing and isolation for elderly people. This paper also explores the scenario of COVID-19 in India and the measures that government bodies are taking to contain and mitigate it. Role and responsibilities of families and caregivers to keep away the elderly disease-free, spirited and mentally fit. Those in isolation or quarantine need special care: telephonic counselling, digital contact with family and ensuring adequate nutrition is vital. The study is primarily based on secondary data including books, journals, newspapers, and other governmental reports.
COVID-19; Elderly; IsolationReferences
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