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Falls prevention and frailty management in community-living older adults: Current challenges in community practices
This paper addresses the current challenges associated with implementing falls prevention and frailty management programs for older adults in the community setting. Falls and frailty are closely linked to various ageing-related health issues. While extensive research has been conducted on falls and frailty in older adults, these areas have often been studied in isolation from each other over the past few decades. Although evidence-based fall prevention and frailty management programs have been well-established in well-developed countries, barriers to implementing condition-specific interventions, such as manpower shortages, space constraints, and lack of public awareness and funding, still exist. Additionally, some evidence-based programs have shown limited clinical effectiveness when implemented in overseas contexts. Effective programs that target both fall prevention and frailty management remain limited. Currently, there’s a growing trend of adopting a combined approach in designing and implementing programs that address both falls and frailty in the older adult population. Encouraging future research studies in this area is crucial to support the translation of evidence into practice for fall prevention and frailty management.
Falls prevention; Frailty Management; FrailtyReferences
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