Correction & Withdrawal Policies
In-Home Drug Storage by Older Adults
Globally, in-home drug-storage compliance is often unsatisfactory, especially among older adults, and can lead to negative health outcomes. This study used a cross-sectional and descriptive design to examine in-home drug-storage compliance among older adults. Convenience sampling was used to recruit 117 older adults in Hong Kong. An in-home drug-storage checklist was used to assess the in-home drug-storage environments (light, temperature, and humidity) and drug-storage methods (drug safety, packaging, information, and expiration) of each older adult. The findings showed that Hong Kong older adults’ overall compliance rate in drug storage was 87.25%, and their compliance rate for drug-storage methods (84.59%) was lower than that for drug-storage environments (97.02%). Older adults who were of advanced age, who were less educated or who lived alone demonstrated lower in-home drug-storage compliance. This indicates the need to revise existing health-education strategies to encourage in-home drug-storage compliance. Healthcare professionals should assess older adults’ drug-storage compliance to identify less compliant subgroups and deliver specific drug-storage support as required. Family members should also be involved in this process.
Drug storage; Compliance; Older adults; HomeReferences
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Copyright © 2020 Lori Suet Hang Lo, Linda Yin King Lee, Irene Yuen Fung Wong, Yuen Yan Lai, Hoi Tong Au, Tsz Ying Wong, Chui Ping Chueng, Wai Lam Shek, Choi Yi Wong, Hoi Lam Chan, Hon Sze Cheuk, Nga Hing Mark, Shu Ching Wong, Wing Yan Cheung

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