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Effects of Free Time on Quality of Life in Elderly Caregivers
Caregivers who contribute to health care of their patients are significantly more likely to experience emotional difficulty, physical difficulty, and financial difficulty, than caregivers who do not contribute. This study aimed to examine the effects of free time on health-related quality of life among elderly caregivers of dementia patients. In the intervention group, caregivers set aside free time every 30 minutes three times a week, while continuing to care for patients. During the free time, caregivers were free to spend time at home and do whatever they wanted. The control group received only usual care. The intervention period was six months. The Vitality subscale score of the SF-36 decreased significantly in the intervention group, despite more than half (57.1%) of participants showing improvements or no change in the rank of this subscale relative to baseline, as assessed by the Wilcoxon signed-rank test (not significant). Caregivers indicated that daily caregiving resulted in an accumulation of physical fatigue, and they continued to have little mental leeway. Caregivers also had difficulty securing free time, which may have hindered improvements to their vitality. There is a need to develop a home-based program that can alleviate caregiver stress and improve their quality of life.
Free time; Dementia; Elderly caregiver; Quality of lifeReferences
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Copyright © 2021 Akemi Hirano;Yusuke Suzuki;Toshio Hayashi;Koichiro Ina;Joji Onishi

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