Correction & Withdrawal Policies
Person-centered Care for Institutionalized Older Adults in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Brazil
Objective: This study aims to discuss the caregiving practices developed by Long-term Care Facilities (LTCFs) during the COVID-19 pandemic and analyze the daily care practices in long-term institutions for older adults in Brazil, all in light of the PCC framework. Methods: This is a mixed methods study in which data were collected through interviews with managers from 10 LTCFs. The qualitative discussion was carried out through the PCC framework divided into 5 categories: leisure, accommodation, food, hygiene and comfort, and clinical care. The quantitative data collected were analyzed in a descriptive way, being discussed in the light of the literature. Results: Analyzed LTCFs are unaware of our present difficulties in the implementation of PCC, with a greater presence of the traditional biomedical model being recognized. Given the vulnerabilities that the LTCFs present, PCC is an important alternative for LTCFs to promote the quality of life and autonomy of residents. Deconstructing the vision of LTCFs as a last resort of care and investing in the quality of care is an urgent and essential imperative for dignified and comprehensive care. Conclusions: This study highlights the need for a change in culture and understanding of the LTCFs not only as a place to provide healthcare, but also as a residents’ home that fosters their autonomy, and feeling of belonging. Thus, it is essential to ensure that healthcare teams in LTCFs know about PCC and that further studies investigate the impact on the costs of PCC for institutionalized older adults.
Pandemic; COVID-19; Long-term care facilities; Person-Centered Care; Institutionalized older adultsReferences
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Copyright © 2022 Marina Celly Martins Ribeiro de Souza, Natalia de Cassia Horta, Marco Aurélio Santos Pereira, Júlia das Graças Rodrigues de Almeida, Jasmine Yee, Leonardo Ayres Cordeiro, Tainá Rodrigues Gomide Souza Pinto, Constance Kartoz

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