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Clinical Characteristics and Risk Factors of Atrial Fibrillation in the Elderly
Objective: To investigate the epidemiobgical characteristics of the elderly with atrial fibrillation (AF) in age, gender, the types of AF and relative causes. And To analyze the risk factors of persistent AF (PeAF), then use them to guide to prevent and treat for AF in the elderly.Methods: Collect the data of elderly patients with AF who were admitted to Liaoning People's Hospital from September 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017, and summarize the epidemiological characteristics of AF in the elderly. The risk factors for PeAF were analyzed by Spearman correlation analysis and mltivariate logistic regression analysis. Result: 1. In the elderly, the number of AF cases increase with age. The group of 75-84 years old was the largest part. The number of older females was larger than male in all ages. It was important to pay more attention to old woman with AF. 2.In the elderly, nonvalvular atrial fibrillation is popular. The top three causes of AF in the elderly were CHD, hypertension and heart failure. In the elderly, comorbidities were frequent, and the management was a major therapeutic objective. 3.CRP, 1eft atria diameter were the independent risk factors for PeAF in the elderly.
Elderly; Atrial fibrillation; Epidemiology; Risk factorReferences
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