Analysis of Autogenous Laser Welding in Low Carbon and Large Thickness Steel
With the use of laser welding, it is possible to join different steel, with different thicknesses, with or without the action of protective layers. The quality of laser radiation makes it possible to get certain characteristics that are impossible to get by other processes, such as high welding speeds, less metallurgical effects suffered by the heat-affected zone (ZAC), and this process also does not require filler metal, therefore it is free from possible contamination. Combined with traditional welding methods, laser welding produces narrower weld beads, allowing for better prevention of corrosion and thermal distortions. Although the process already has high industrial knowledge, some random defects, such as porosities and inconsistencies, are still found. This work presents a systematic study to determine the influence of laser welding parameters and how these parameters influence welding defects. For this, the experimental part was carried out in the welding laboratory - LABSOLDA, of the Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC, during the laser welding processes, a welding speed of 2.4 m/min was reached. For this experiment, argon was used as a shielding gas and 1020 steel was used as the base material.
Autogenous LASER welding; Welding of thick joints; Keyhole stability.References
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Copyright © 2021 Daniel Kohls, Carlos Enrique Ninõ Bohorquez, Enori Gemilli, Majorie Anacleto Bernardo

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