A New Viscoelastic Model for Polycarbonate Compressing Flow
To overcome the weakness of conventional models in describing compressing flow especially in start and end stages the shear rate derivative was added to the right side of PTT constitutive equation. The ability of describing the well-known ‘shear shinning’ and ‘stretch harden’ phenomena was first illustrated by theoretical analysis. Then the governing equations for compressing flow were established in terms of incompressible and isothermal fluid, and the numerical method was constructed to discretize the equations and get the compressing flow solutions. The experiments with four melt temperatures were conducted and the corresponding simulations were performed. The better agreements with experimental data indicates the modified PPT model is superior to the original PTT model in prediction of compressing flow. In addition, the proposed model is also validated with low and high compressing speed experiments.Keywords:
Viscoelastic; Constitutive model; Compressing flow; Numerical simulationReferences
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Copyright © 2018 Wei Cao, Yaqiang Shen, Shixun Zhang, Tao Wang, Yakun Wu, Changyu Shen

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