Conception the Fluid Flow Behavior within Oil Reservoir Rock by Using Computed Tomography (CT) Scan
The behavior of fluid flow has been studied during the different flow media over the past decades. In addition, the behavior of the flow of fluid through porous media has garnered much research interest. This paper sheds light on fissured rocks of oil reservoir media (as one of the porous media domain), and the effect of these fissured on fluid flow. In this article, the Finite Volume Method (FVM) has been used to visualize the behavior of single-phase fluid flow in an actual core according to the dualporosity dual permeability model. The study was conducted in two parts, the first was the image processing for one of the real oil reservoir fractured rock images, where the image was processed and simulated by ANSYSCFX software, and the results showed a complete visualizing of the fluid behavior during this domain. As for the other side, a simulation of a real reservoir rock belonging to the Al-Nour field in Iraq / Misan was made. The X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) scan has been used to convert the real fractured core to a dynamic domain. ANSYS-CFX program has been used and the results illustrated the pressure counter, the velocity counter, the velocity streamline, and the velocity vectors for the studied model in three dimensions. A comparison was made between the productivity index for fractured and non-fractured rock and the results explained that the presence of fracture can improve the productivity index to about 5.74%.
Computed Tomography (CT) scan; Al-Nour field; Fluid flowReferences
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Copyright © 2021 Amani J. Majeed, Falah A. Abood, Ahmed K. Alshara

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