A Review on Utilization of Light Weight Fly Ash Cenosphere as Filler in both Polymer and Alloy-Based Composites
Fly Ash Cenospheres (FACs) are obtained from the coal power plants in the form of hollow spherical particles by burning the coal. FAC was started to use in early 1980-1985 as lightweight filler material in producing composites of cementitious and at present many researchers are focusing on use of FAC as filler in polymer and metals. In this paper, the systematic review on research activities and application of FAC in manufacturing light weight products are done. The FAC influence on the mechanical and physical properties of incorporated polymer and alloy based composites were summarized. Prospects of future for its use were also suggested and summarized in this paper.
Fly ash cenosphere;Polymer and Alloy composites;Mechanical and Physical propertiesReferences
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Copyright © 2020 Shashikant Kushnoore, Mallikarjun S Uppin, M. Satishkumar

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