Arc Stability Characterization of Double Coated Electrodes for Hardfacing
The aim of this work is to establish the influence of the relative position of the alloy charge C-Cr-Mn in the structure of the coating of rutile electrodes for hardfacing, on the operational behavior (arc stability). For this, three variants of electrodes with similar chemical composition are elaborated in the metallic core and the coating, differentiating only in the relative position that occupies the alloy charge (C-Cr-Mn) in the structure of the coating: internal, external and homogeneous. For the development of the research, a completely random design is used. The operative characterization of the electrodes is performed in terms of the arc stability. In conclusion, it can be seen that the position of the alloy load influences the operation behavior (stability of the arc). The variant of internal alloy charge in the coating presents the better arc stability performance.
Arc stability; Welding electrode; Hardfacing; Position of alloy chargeReferences
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Copyright © 2021 Odonel González-Cabrera, Carlos R. Gómez-Pérez, Héctor A. Kairús-Hernández-Díaz, Félix A. Díaz-Rosell

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