Predicting Performance of a Thermal Shield of a Spacecraft in a High-temperature Gas Flow
A fundamental understanding of the mechanism of material interaction with a medium is based on correspondence between experimental studies and actual operating conditions of a given model or a structure. The study of performance of thermal shield structures was based on computations brought about considering physical properties of materials obtained under conditions simulating re-entry of a spacecraft into the atmosphere. A thermal shield consisted of a layered type shell, made of fiber glass with phenol-phormaldehide matrix. The mechanical and the thermo-physical properties were studied as a function of temperature. A thermal-stressed state of a cylindrical shield subjected to action of a high-temperature gas flow, is defined based on solving a 3D problem simultaneously using equations of theory of elasticity, thermal conductivity, and numerical analysis. The results showed that the largest compression stresses in a thermal shield shell made of fiberglass are concentrated at the vicinity of the surface being heated, and are not larger than the strength limit of the material under a given temperature.
Thermal shield; Spacecraft; Re-entry; Thermal stress; Anisotropy; High-temperature; Gas flow; Thermal deformation; Carbon-carbon compositeReferences
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Copyright © 2019 Lyudmila Ivanovna Gracheva

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