
  • Welcome to be our Guest Editors


    To promote the visibility of Journal of Smart Buildings and Construction Technology and offer state-of-the-art expert insight on a variety of topical issues in architecture, we are recruiting potential Guest Editors whether this is your first editing experience or a seasoned veteran. Our editorial team is always there to support you and make your guest editing experience a positive one.

    You can become a Guest Editor in two ways:

    Received an contribution invitation (Topics suggested by the Editors and Editorial Board Members, and you are an acknowledged expert on a particular topic) .
    Submit a proposal for a special issue to our journal (In addition to a topic suggested by the Editor-in-Chief or Editorial Board Members, you may also propose any theme for a Special Issue that fits the scope of the journal).
    Those wishing to guest edit a Special Issue should submit a proposal to the editorial office at:

    Read more about Welcome to be our Guest Editors