Contribution of Livestock Production to Global Greenhouse Gas Emission and Mitigation Strategies


  • Ahmedin Abdurehman Musa Department of Animal Science, Oda Bultum University, P.O. Box 226, Chiro, Oromiya, Ethiopia



Understanding the interaction of livestock production and climate change is currently the main issue in global warming. This paper reviews the contribution of livestock production in greenhouse gas emission and its mitigation strategies. The potential contribution of individual large ruminants are 200-500 litters of methane per day while small ruminants produces 20-40 litters of methane per day. The major greenhouse gas related to livestock production are methane and nitrous oxide which contribute approximately about 14.5% global GHG emissions. Limiting emissions from livestock, without compromising food security, is an important limit greenhouse gas emissions. The main choices for reducing greenhouse gas emission in livestock production are more related to improving animal production. Mitigating emission of CH4 by means of improved management of biogas and manure, reducing CH4 emission from enteric fermentation through improved efficiency and diet, husbandry as well as genetic management are some of strategies used in mitigating enteric emission of methane from livestock. The other one is mitigating emission of nitrous oxide through more efficient use of nitrous fertilizer, proper manure management and by using different feed additives. 


Livestock; Methane; Emission; Mitigation


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