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Wireless sensor networks convey mission critical data that calls for adequate privacy and security protection. To accomplish this objective, numerous intrusion detection schemes based on machine learning approaches have been developed. In addition, authentication and key agreements techniques have been developed using techniques such as elliptic curve cryptography, bilinear pairing operations, biometrics, fuzzy verifier and... More
Alphanumerical usernames and passwords are the most used computer authentication technique. This approach has been found to have a number of disadvantages. Users, for example, frequently choose passwords that are simple to guess. On the other side, if a password is difficult to guess, it is also difficult to remember. Graphical passwords have been... More
With the popularity of the Internet and improvement of information technology, digital information sharing increasingly becomes the trend. More and More universities pay attention to the digital campus, and the construction of digital library has become the focus of digital campus. A set of manageable, authenticated and secure solutions are needed for remote access... More
Wireless sensor networks process and exchange mission-critical data relating to patients' health status. Obviously, any leakages of the sensed data can have serious consequences which can endanger the lives of patients. As such, there is need for strong security and privacy protection of the data in storage as well as the data in transit.... More
Abstract: Cybersecurity is a global goal that is central to national security planning in many countries. One of the most active research fields is design of practices for the development of so-called highly secure software as a kind of protection and reduction of the risks from cyber threats. The use of a secure software product in... More