Review of Artificial Intelligence with Retailing Sector
This research service provides an original perspective on how artificial intelligence (AI) is making its way into the retail sector. Retail has entered a new era where ECommerce and technology bellwethers like Alibaba, Amazon, Apple, Baidu, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Tencent have raised consumers’ expectations. AI is enabling automated decision-making with accuracy and speed, based on data analytics, coupled with self- learning abilities. The retail sector has witnessed the dramatic evolution with the rapid digitalization of communication (i.e. Internet) and; smart phones and devices. Customer is no longer the same as they became more empowered by smart devices which has entirely prevailed their expectation, habits, style of shopping and investigating the shops. This article outlines the Significant innovation done in retails which helped them to evolve such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big data and Internet of Things (IoT), Chatbots, Robots. This article further also discusses the ideology of various author on how AI become more profitable and a close asset to customers and retailers.
Artificial Intelligence(AI); Big data; Retail; Internet of Things (IoT)References
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