View Vol. 1 ,  Iss. 2 (December 2019)

Journal of Endocrinology Research

ISSN: 2630-5224 (Online)

Vol. 1 , Iss. 2 (December 2019)

  • Reviews

    Review on Thyroid Disorders, Epidemiology and Treatment Methods

    Ramachandra Reddy Pamuru

    Article ID: 1241    DOI:
    501  (Abstract) 161  (Download)


    Thyroid disorders are commonly overwhelming health conditions reported worldwide. The prevalence of thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism is increasing in developed and developing countries, including India.This is due to change in traditional foods to Besides low / insufficient iodine intake, smoking, ageing, genetic susceptibility, lifestyle, usage of new medicine, endocrine disrupting chemicals and... More

  • Articles

    New Paradigm in Nutrition Practice – Initial Findings From Ntuitive Software

    Priya Karkera, Arbinder Singal, Jayesh Sawant, Shailesh Gupta

    Article ID: 597    DOI:
    446  (Abstract) 201  (Download)



    Nutrition practice in India has generally been confined to pen and paper with little use of algorithms and technology. Nutritionists in practice find it difficult to go beyond macronutrient analysis for dietary intake or diet plans. Since nutrition practice requires lot of data processing, we decided to develop software to aid in these calculations and... More

  • Articles

    Relation of Urobilinogen Presence Resence in the Selection of Food (Salty or Sweet)?

    Muhammad Imran Qadir, Fatima Hameed

    Article ID: 1315    DOI:
    414  (Abstract) 124  (Download)


    The total amount of 100 subjects were contributed in this review and all were the students who are studying in Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan. The bilirubin is metabolized in the gut which produced a colorless pigment known as urobilinogen. It is by-product of bilirubin which is used to break down the red blood cells... More

  • Articles

    Novel StAR Gene Mutation Identified in a Moroccan Patient with Lipoid Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

    Zaddouq Hanane, Althel Pharel Opoko, Khadija Belhassan, Intissar Haddiya, Ahmed Gaouzi

    Article ID: 1149    DOI:
    298  (Abstract) 151  (Download)


    Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) is an autosomal recessive condition that results from the deficiency of one of the steroidogenesis enzymes responsible for cortisol biosynthesis. In the majority of cases, CAH is caused by 21-hydroxylase deficiency. More rarely, the deficiency concerns 11b-hydroxylase, 3b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, 17hydroxylase, or exceptionally StAR and P450 oxydoreductase. Here, we report the case... More