Repair and Restoration of the Historical Wellesley Bridge at Srirangapatna: A Case Study
The Historical Wellesley Bridge, built by the Krishnaraja Wadiyar under the supervision of Dewan Purnaih across river Cauvery at Srirangapatna. Situation of bridge is got when heavy rainfall followed by heavy inflow from Cauvery Catchment area in Kodagu District. At present, the Government of Karnataka has taken measures to do the restoration works using the same previously used materials with slight changes. Hence, in the present investigation the authors are doing a case study on the above structure by testing the ingredients of the materials used for it and also by conducting Non-Destructive Test on the structure to know its strength before and after restoration. Based on the test results obtained, the authors will give a conclusion with respect to durability aspects. In addition to the above, the authors will test for few alternative materials i.e., lime mortar with Cement (i.e. MM2 Grade Masonary mortar). Finally, from the obtained test results here the authors can suggest suitable material for the structures.Keywords:
Repair and restoration; Scanning electron microscope (SEM)References
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Copyright © 2022 Pruthviraj S R, Madan Kumar L, Ravi Kumar C M
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