Analysis and Evaluation of Thermal-cooling Loads of Office Buildings Using Carrier Software in Iran
The importance and necessity of energy saving in the world have been discussed for many years, but achieving a logical and transparent solution is still one of the main challenges and problems of the world’s economy. The rapid growth of energy consumption in the last two decades has caused the security of the domestic energy supply of buildings to face serious problems. In this research, first by entering parameters such as the type of materials, doors and windows, and the type of soil on the floor connected to the ground, etc. in the heat and cold load calculation software (HAP Carrier) as the design calculations and then in the second step entering the specifications inferred from the Iran’s national building code as a reference for energy saving calculations, calculations are performed and compared as the first criterion, and finally these two outputs are compared. The actual energy consumption and determination of the building energy consumption index are determined as another criterion, as well as the degree of deviation from the actual consumption. The results showed that the theoretical method and the thermal and refrigeration load calculations of the Zanjan Gas Company building have 6% difference in cooling load but the heating load is about 34% different, which means for cooling loads, the theoretical model can be used with high accuracy but for heating loads, the national building code needs fundamental changes.Keywords:
Large space building; Building operational performance; Building energy efficiency; Heating; ventilation and air conditioning systemsReferences
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Copyright © 2022 Rahim Zahedi, Siavash Gitifar, Mohammad hasan Ghodusinejad, Alireza Aslani, Hossein Yousefi

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