Hysteretic Performance of Ring-shaped Energy-dissipating Devices for Assembly of Steel Frame Structure with External Wall Panel
To protect the external wall panel of the steel frame in prefabricated construction, a kind of ring-shaped energydissipating device (RSED) was proposed and further studied, which can connect the wall panel and steel frame. The hysteretic performance of steel frame-external wall panel system (SFEWPS) with RSED as the joint is analyzed via the finite element method, to quantify the protective effect of RSED on a wall panel. The results are that even under extremely rare earthquakes, RSED can still effectively control the energy consumption of wall panels, and play a protective role for it. In addition, combined with failure mechanism analysis, this paper proposes the best parameter selection for RSED.
Assembly of steel frame; External wall panel; Energy-dissipating device; Hysteretic performance; Finite element analysisReferences
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Copyright © 2023 Yuliang Qi, Kewei Huang, Jing Li, Yixin Zeng, Keke Huang

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