Announcement of new Editor-in-Chief
We are pleased to announce that, Prof. Do-Hoon Hwang from Pusan National University and Prof. In Hwan Jung from Hanyang University, new Honorary Editor-in-Chief and new Editor-in-Chief for International Journal of Organic Polymer Material Research.
Prof. Do-Hoon Hwang worked at ETRI as a senior researcher from 1997 to 2000 and at Department of Applied Chemistry, Kumoh National Institute of Technology from 2000 to 2010 as a professor. Since then, he has been with the Department of Chemistry, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea. His main research interests lie in the synthesis of new organic semiconducting materials for diverse organic electronic devices such as organic light-emitting diodes, organic transistors, and organic solar cells.
Prof. In Hwan Jung worked in Kookmin University (Seoul, Republic of Korea) as an assistant professor in Department of Applied Chemistry and became an associated professor in 2020. From 2021 to present, he has been an associated professor in Department of Organic and Nano Engineering at Hanyang University (Seoul, Republic of Korea). He is interested in development of small molecules and conjugated polymers for organic photovoltaics (OPVs), organic thin film transistors (OTFTs), organic thermoelectric devices (OTEs), organic photodetectors (OPDs), and organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs).