An Insight into the Polymeric Structures in Asian Palmyra Palm (Borassus flabellifer Linn)
Palmyra Palm (Borassus flabellifer Linn) is a native tree with various ecological, medicinal, economic, and sociological benefits from Asian countries. Palmyra Palm tree-based self-reliant lifestyle and Eco-friendly community living which leads to sustainable development can be called palmyra culture. For each component, Palmyra Palm is the most beneficial species that has economic and medicinal value that could sustain adverse climatic conditions and resist natural calamities. Non-edible, edible, and value add-based uses could be widely categorized into the utility of the plant. Palmyra palm tree is working like a non-stop biochemical factory, creates sugars and many otheruseful chemicals. It also produces many useful polymeric compounds such as pectin, cellulose, hemicelluloses, pentosanpolysulfate, polyphenols, and lignin. The current review gives an insight into the structural, biological, and polymeric elements of Asian palmyra.
Palmyra Palm; Borassus flabellifer; Palmyraculture; Biopolymers; Cellulose; PectinReferences
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