Editorial Board
Shunyao Zhuang
Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Research interests: soil science; forest soil
Associate editor
T M Indra Mahlia
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Sydney, Australia
Research interests: energy and fuels; water-energy nexus; circular economy
Editorial Board
Rui Alexandre Pita Perdigão
Meteoceanics Institute for Complex System Science, Washington, DC, USA
Research interests: Complex System Sciences; Earth System Dynamics; Climate Dynamics; Ecosystem Dynamics; Coevolution; Natural Hazards; Mathematical Physics; Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Information Theory; Nonlinear Dynamics; Chaos; Global Change; Sustainability; Interdisciplinary Methods for Ecological Analytics, Modelling and Decision Support.
Adília Pires
Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies & Department of Biology, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Research interests: Study of alterations induced in marine invertebrate species (polychaetes) due to organic and inorganic contamination, climate change (pH, salinity and temperature)
Biochemical markers: oxidative stress, energy reserves
Physiological markers: regenerative capacity of polychaetes, larval development
Effects of climate change (pH, salinity and temperature) and polychaetes bioturbation in contaminated sediments (metals and metalloids) - geochemical speciation of elements
Salvador García-Ayllón Veintimilla
Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena, Cartagena, Spain
Research interests: Land use and environmental planning; Urban informatics; Transport planning
Pedro Proença Cunha
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
Research interests: Stratigraphy; Sedimentology; Geomorphology; Neotectonics
Carolyn Stephens
University College London (UCL), Bartlett Development Planning Unit, London, United Kingdom;
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom
Research interests: Ecology and Human Health; Environmental Ethics; Environmental Epidemiology; Biodiversity and Health
Junjun Ni
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HK, China
Research interests: soil bioengineering using vegetation; experimental unsaturated soil mechanics; soil behavior; slope; geoenvironmental engineering
Paula Ioana Moraru
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj – Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Research interests: grotechnics, herbology and soil management; technique experimentally and analysis of variance; soil conservation systems for a sustainable agriculture, anti-erosion systems, minimum soil tillage, no-tillage, carbon sequestration; integrated control of weeds and correct use of herbicides; rural development and climatic changes
José Galizia Tundisi
International Institute of Ecology, Brazil
Research interests: watershed management; ecology of freshwaters; lake and reservoir management; limnology of reservoirs
Siyue Li
Wuhan Institute of Technology, China
Research interests: water quality; Carbon biogeochemical cycles; inland water carbon emission
Guoqin Huang
Jiangxi Agricultural University, China
Research interests: cropping systems; agroecology; sustainable agricultural development
Inês Casquilho Martins
ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal
Research interests: social work; social policies; ecology; community development; social welfare systems; education and e-learning
Jiang Zhou
Guizhou Normal University, China
Research interests: behavior ecology; zoological ecology; systematic evolution; taxonomy of mammals
Bin Kang
Ocean University of China, China
Research interests: fish biogeography; diversity; fisheries; aquatic ecology; invasive biology
Daniela Baldantoni
University of Salerno, Italy
Research interests: biomonitoring; bioremediation; environmental pollution; agro-ecosystems
Kuok Ho Daniel Tang
The University of Arizona, USA
Research interests: climate change; sustainability; human ecology; population ecology
Arnaud Z. Dragicevic
INRAE - Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement, France
Research interests: evolutionary ecology; biodiversity; forest ecology; nature conservation; sustainability; ecological economics
Alessandro Bellino
University of Salerno, Italy
Research interests: evolution; ecophysiology; biodiversity; community ecology; ecological modelling
Tainã Gonçalves Loureiro
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia
Research interests: aquatic ecology; invasion biology; conservation; management; molecular ecology; invertebrate zoology
Helena Belchior-Rocha
ISCTE-University institute of Lisbon, Portugal
Research interests: ecology; environment; community intervention; human rights (SDG 2030); education–soft skills; social responsability
Liang Chen
Yunnan University, China; Xi'an University of Technology, China
Research interests: ecotoxicology; cyanotoxin; cyanobacteria; aquatic ecology; microcystin; toxicity
Ramon Garcia-Marin
University of Murcia, Spain
Research interests: spatial planning; natural hazards; human geography and environment
Helder Viana
Escola Superior Agrária de Viseu, Portugal
Research interests: forest; biomass; remote sensing; silviculture; ecology
Weifeng Wang
Nanjing Forestry University, China
Research interests: forest ecology and management; ecosystem ecology; carbon cycle
Yuan Huang
Nanjing Normal University, China
Research interests: aquatic ecology; interspecies interaction; induced defense; harmful algal blooms; plankton
Qingfeng Chen
Shandong Academy of Sciences, China
Research interests: ecological restoration and climate change; wetland treatment; wastewater treatment
Leonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes
University of Aveiro, Portugal
Research interests: forest ecology; invasive species; forest management; climate changes
Sevda Kuşkaya
Erciyes University, Turkey
Research interests: economics; renewable energy; global warming; energy; greenhouse gas; environmental pollution
Qiang Li
University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States
Research interests: soil health; water quality; isotope biogeochemistry
Hesam Kamyab
University of Technology Malaysia, Malaysia
Research interests: algal biotechnology; energy; waste water treatment; environmental biotechnology; environmental microbiology
Indra Neel Pulidindi
GSFC University, India
Research interests: natural conservation; global/climate change ecology; evolutionary ecology; biogeochemistry; bioenvironmental chemistry; bioinorganic chemistry
Pabodha Galgamuwa
Kansas State University, United States
Research interests: forest ecology; nature conservation; ecosystem ecology & global change; biodiversity; silviculture; remote sensing & GIS
Kristijan Franin
University of Zadar, Croatia
Research interests: ecological infrastructure; true bugs; biological control; botanical extracts
Salvador Garcia-Ayllon
Technical University of Cartagena, Spain
Research interests: coastal management; urban development; sustainability; territorial planning; tourism impact; environmental planning
Ismet Yener
Artvin Coruh University, Turkey
Research interests: forest ecology; forest soils; soil ecology; forest productivity-environmental factors relations; soil science
Alenka Fikfak
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Research interests: urban heat island; urban planning; rural development; morphology structure of built environment; tourism development
Nikolaos Theodor Skoulikidis
Hellenic Centre For Marine Research, Greece
Research interests: limnology; hydrogeochemistry; ecological quality; integrated water resources management
Francisco Joaquín Cortés-García
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Chile
Research interests: sustainability; corporate social responsibility (CSR); sustainable finance; ecological economy; circular economy; sustainable banking