Topical Collection on "Nature-based Solutions in Agroecosystem Optimization"
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 10 August 2024
Collection Editor:
Dr. Valentina Baratella
CREA – Council for Agricultural Research and Economics · Research Centre for Agriculture and Environment
Interests: Resource use efficiency and agroecosystem sustainability; soil quality; biological/abiotic interactions and agroecological indicators; environmental monitoring
Topical Collection Information:
Dear Colleagues,
The sustainable use of natural resources is dependent on various factors, such as the availability of land and water, changing climate, and economic pressures. To tackle these challenges, we can implement nature-based solutions that enhance water distribution, food security, and help us adapt to climate change. Through observation and learning, we can gain insights into how these solutions can promote the relationship between water, ecosystems, and food.
Agricultural production involves crops, livestock, soil, water, and surrounding ecosystems, and requires a comprehensive approach that considers ecological, economic, and social aspects. Nature-based solutions prioritize sustainable agricultural practices, such as incorporating natural ecosystems into agricultural landscapes, utilizing natural predators to control pests, and preserving and restoring soil health through natural processes.
By integrating nature-based solutions into agriculture, we can produce food sustainably while safeguarding natural ecosystems. This approach recognizes the interconnectivity of all components within the agricultural system, leading to more resilient and diverse landscapes that provide essential ecosystem services.
Dr. Valentina Baratella
Collection Editor
- Nature-based solutions
- Agroecosystem
- Sustainability
- Environmental monitoring
- Ecosystem services